Thursday, October 26, 2006


The Crucifixion

Posted on the 5th Day of the 29th Week of Ordinary Time - 2006 AD - (Year B)

When I look at the scale of Christianity and the Catholic Church in the world , in the knowledge that, unlike other faiths which depend on worldly political and military power, and are in fact fronts and legitimisers for that power, a way of organising it for worldly ends, I realise that the only explanation of the success of Christianity that works is, in fact, the supernatural one. Holy Mother Church is Christ's Bride here on earth, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it, period. It is as if, on the day of the Crucifixion, a spiritual big bang occurred and humanity, reality in fact, was changed, irreversibly, forever. We put on a new nature. Whatever feelings we may have about our ‘modern’ world, the state of the Church and Catholicism in general, we are still reeling in the tornado effect of that one Event. Christs Sacrifice. The wellspring of grace which was released, like the energy of the big bang, will play out until His Second Coming, and we must choose, freely, to cooperate with that grace, there is no excuse, nothing can stop it. Modernism and secular society, although filling the minds and hearts of man, are dust and ashes that will be forgotten. We each of us have the ultimate free choice, to choose that abundant grace which totally permeates our world, a free gift and gateway to Heaven, or to take the line of least resistance and refuse to raise ourselves above the animal. It is there for the taking, the great defining moment of human history, of the history of the universe, of all reality, ensured that. God came to us, He put on our human joy and misery, and thrust Himself into our hearts by his Sacrifice on Calvary in an act which in some way completes, or brings closer to completion, His original act of Creation.

There is no escape from it, there is no need to reason or argue. Christ through his death and Resurrection entered into the material of mans soul and has changed all of us for all eternity. We are now, by definition, creatures who must cooperate with grace, the Crucifixion defines the world. Everything we are and do is soley in the perspective of its light.

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